3rd International Paulo Freire Conference

Dates to be announced

This online Paulo Freire conference will be an opportunity for academics, practitioners and activists to share their ideas, learning and practice with their peers.
Write your awesome label here.

Online Conference

This will be an online event. You must sign up to be a conference participant. Participants will have access to the conference forum as well as online presentations and events.

Call for Papers

We will be inviting proposals for full conference papers, research student papers, online video 'posters' and live workshops. Look out for announcements.


Selected papers in an appropriate format may be peer reviewed and published. If you wish your paper to be considered for publication you will have the opportunity to indicate this once the paper has been accepted for the conference.


The conference theme of Reinventing Paulo Freire focuses on applying Freire in our own contexts today.
  • Youth and Community Work
  • Community Empowerment
  • Decolonizing the Curriculum
  • Pedagogical Practice
  • Widening Participation
  • Technology, Online Learning and Virtual Spaces
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